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The solution for large-scale biomedical research using wearable and clinical data.

MyPHD (My Personal Health Dashboard) is a framework that can be easily configured to support big biomedical data acquisition, storage, and real-time analysis.

A table that shows the wearable devices that MyPHD app is compatible with: Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, Oura, Motiv, and SensOmics.

MyPHD is compatible with a variety of smartwatch devices in the market.

10,000+ people are participating in a PHD supported study now. Interested in collaborating with us for your study?

A video about MyPHD will start play upon clicking on the interactive animation that shows MyPHD app, smart watches, and multiple wearable data types MyPHD is capable of collecting, and happy people that use MyPHD.
A video about MyPHD will start play upon clicking on the interactive animation that shows MyPHD app, smart watches, and multiple wearable data types MyPHD is capable of collecting, and happy people that use MyPHD.
A video about MyPHD will start play upon clicking on the interactive animation that shows MyPHD app, smart watches, and multiple wearable data types MyPHD is capable of collecting, and happy people that use MyPHD.
Trusted by innovative teams at
University of Pennsylvania Logo

Features tailored to your study design

Package 1 of MyPHD Services

Package 1

Wearable data collection

Survey collection

Data analysis

Customized requests

MyPHD UI of Package 2.

Package 2

Wearable data collection

Survey collection

Data analysis

Customized requests

MyPHD UI of Package 3

Package 3

Wearable data collection

Survey collection

Data analysis

Customized requests

MyPHD UI of Package 4

Package 4

Wearable data collection

Survey collection

Data analysis

Customized requests

Everything you need for a successful study
Why researchers support us
Dr. Brendan Keating’s photo

We are excited by how the MyPHD system has both enabled our pediatric kidney, heart, liver, and lung transplant clinical research studies, as well as opened up new creative avenues for research design.

Dr. Brendan Keating

Research Lead of Penn/CHOP Transplant Study
Associate Professor at University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Somalee Datta’s photo

The MyPHD development team has done impressive technical work to create a secure and performant open source wearable platform. The platform has proven its usability to the research community for a growing number of studies.

Dr. Somalee Datta

Director of Stanford Research IT

Dr. Allison Zhang’s photo

MyPHD is the one-stop App for our research participants. It integrates all the information one would need for the study, including video tutorials, sampling schedules, customized questionnaires, and push notifications. We’re thrilled with how MyPHD streamlined this complex study for better compliance.

Dr. Allison Zhang

Research Lead of Crohn’s Exposome Study
Postdoctoral Scholar at Stanford Medicine

Happy and engaged study participants

“I enjoy getting feedback and having a sense of comfort that it may detect the virus sooner than without.”

Study participant @ Google Play     12/18/2020

“Love the app design and user-friendly interface! Great way to see all of my health data in one place and record how I am feeling, as well as contribute to science!”

Study participant @ App Store       10/26/2020

“This application works great!… I’m very excited to see what the future holds regarding this technology!”

Study participant @ Google Play       1/24/2021

“Excited to see the future of digital medicine emerging.”

Study participant @ App Store       11/25/2020

“Like this study. I connected my Fitbit device and check daily symptoms”

Study participant @ Google Play       11/20/2020

Interested in incorporating Personal Health Dashboard (PHD) in your research study?