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Member Sign-up

All membership levels will be paid via GoFundMe to support our first fund drive until Winter 2021.

Thank You for Joining Kurejas Minds!

Select your membership level and then donate at least that amount (or more) on our current Go Fund Me drive page by clicking the submit button below. Use the same name in GoFundMe page, so we can connect your donation to your membership. Anonymous donations (without membership) are also accepted.

15 + 13 =

During our launch phase, you will receive a print of the Pidgeon Point Watercolor with any donation or membership level $10 or more.

Membership Levels:
FREE, $1-$9, $10, $30, $50, $100, $250

FREE membership gives you subscription level membership for one year.

 $1 to $9 membership gives you the print (downloadable) of the ‘Plein Aire Watercolor: Pidgeon Point Lighthouse’ and subscription level membership for one year.

$10 membership gives you the print (mailed or downloadable) of the ‘Plein Aire Watercolor: Pidgeon Point Lighthouse’ and subscription level membership for one year.

$30 membership gives you one print of the ‘Plein Aire Watercolor: Pidgeon Point Lighthouse’, free attendance to one of our ‘online artist chats’ and all of the lower membership benefits.

$50 membership gives you all of the lower membership benefits and one print from any featured artist for three months.

$100 membership allows you to take one art class lead by an expert artist and includes all benefits from the $50 membership.

$250 membership allows you all of the lower membership benefits as well as a calendar featuring prints from all our artists.

Thank You!